Rental application
Your information
Applicant information
Current Address
Rental History
Vehicle Information
Emergency Contact Information
Additional occupants
Employer Information
Applicant Background Information
Pets or Service Animals Details
Property Information
Background Check Authorization
Renter Insurance
Terms and conditions
Review Application
Rental application
  1. Apply
  2. Review
  3. Payment
  4. Complete
Application Fee
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Applicant information

Karma Management

“Stay with us, “Feels Like Home”

2601 Academy Dr NW, Huntsville, AL, 35811

Office: 256-859-3011 : Email: : Fax: 877-759-8403


Rental Application

Application Checklist


Each resident over the age of 19 must submit a separate rental application.


Before you begin:

Please answer all questions to the best of your knowledge and attach the following items to this rental application:


To expedite the application process, Submit the following with your application:

  1. Copy Valid forms of identification (Driver License, State ID card, Birth certificate, Military ID, etc.) 
  2. Copy of each applicants and Occupant's Social Security Card
  3. A minimum of 3 months of pay stubs as Proof of Income or most recent 1040 or if self employed.
  4. Copy of Section 8 Voucher (if Applicant has Section 8 voucher)
  5. Request of Tenancy From (if Applicant has Section 8 voucher)
  6. Copy of Last 2 Inspection report performed by Section 8 Inspector (if Applicant has Section 8 voucher)

Applicants must provide 3 years of residential history and contact information for rental references. Please note that most properties require an applicant combined gross income of at least three (3) times the monthly rent amount.

Application Fee: Payable by credit or debit card ONLY – Non-Refundable

  • Fifty dollars ($50.00) per applicant is required

Non-Refundable Surety Bond: Payable via Money Order – Non -Refundable

  • Non- Refundable Surety Bond will be charged only if Application is approved. *(Higher Non-Refundable Bond may be required based on Credit Screening)
  • Non-Refundable Surety Bond must be in a SEPARATE form of payment from Application fees, Pet Fees & Rent 

Pet-Fee (if applicable): Payable via Money Order ONLY – Non-Refundable

  • Five hundred dollars ($500.00)         
  • Documentation of proper registration of pet(s) is required. 
  • A monthly rental fee in the amount of $25.00 will be assessed to the base rental rate.
  • Pet Fee will be charged only if Application is approved.

We do not accept the following breeds: Pit Bull, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Rot wailer, German Sheppard, Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Doberman Pinscher, Chow Chow, Great Danes, St. Bernard and Akita. NO crossbreeds such as: Wolf Hybrid, German Sheppard, Pit Bull, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Rottweiler and Chow Chow.

Utilities - A “Verification Form” from Utilities must submitted to the Karma management Rental Office as proof of services placed in the applicant's name PRIOR to move in. 




  • All adult applicants 19 or older must submit a fully completed, dated and signed residency application and fee. Applicant must provide proof of identity. A non-refundable application fee will be required for all adult applicants.  Applicant may be required to be approved by a condo/homeowner's association and may have to pay an additional application fee or an additional security or damage deposit. Application is not considered complete and will not be processed until all adult applicants have submitted the application and paid the fee. Applications containing untrue, incorrect or misleading information will automatically be denied. If information contained in the residency   application   is   discovered to be untrue after commencement of the tenancy, such information can be used to terminate the lease agreement.

  • Applicants must have a   combined   gross   income   of at least three   times   the   monthly   rent.   We   reserve the right   to   require   a   co-signer.   A   minimum   of two years' residential rental history is required.

  • Credit history or background check must not contain slow pays, judgments, eviction filing, collections, liens or bankruptcy within the past 7 years.

  • Self-employed applicants may be required to produce upon request two years of tax returns or 1099s, non-employed individuals must provide verifiable proof of income.

  • All   sources   of   other   income   must   be   verifiable, if needed, to qualify for the leased premises.

  • Criminal records should contain no felony conviction within the past seven years; sex offenders subject to registry requirements will not be permitted.  In the event a record comes back “adjudication withheld, “nolle prosse,” or “adjudication deferred,” further documentation may be required, and applicant may be denied on this basis. Any pending felony or misdemeanor charge may result in the denial of the application.

  • Previous rental history reports from landlords must reflect timely payment, sufficient notice of intent to  vacate,  no complaints regarding noise, disturbances or illegal activities, no unpaid NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) checks, no bedbugs, no damage to unit or failure to leave the property clean, and without damage at time of lease termination.

  • No pets (with the exception of medically necessary animals for the benefit of the occupant(s)) of any kind are permitted without specific written permission of landlord in the lease document, an addendum to lease, a non-refundable pet fee acceptable to landlord, and/or an additional pet deposit or additional security deposit. Fees and deposits are waived for medically necessary animals.

  • Applicants will be required to pay a non-refundable surety Bond at the time of lease execution. We reserve the right to require a higher Non Refundable Surety Bond and/or additional prepaid rent.

  • The number of occupants must follow HUD standards/guidelines for the applied for unit.

  • We may require a holding or good faith fee to be collected to hold a property off the market. In the event the application is approved, and applicant fails to enter into a lease, the applicant shall forfeit this fee. In the event the application is approved, this fee shall be applied to the required security deposit.

  • Any exceptions to our company's criteria will need to be submitted in writing to the rental agent for presentation to the landlord for consideration. If approval is then given for such exceptions, additional security, cosigners, and/   or additional advance rent payments may be required.

  • Our company policy is to report all non-compliances with terms of your rental agreement or failure to pay rent or    any amounts owed to the credit bureau and/or a collection agency, and if the amount is disputed it shall be reported as disputed in accordance with law.


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Your Contact Information

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Current Address

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Length of Time at this Address:

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Rental History

If you resided at your current address for less than one year, please supply information on your previous rental or mortgage:

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Vehicle Information

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Emergency Contact Information

In case of an emergency who may we notify. (Please note that in the event of your death, you are consenting to allow this person access to the leased premises)

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Additional occupants

Name and age of all persons, who will occupy this property with you. (Note: ANY APPLICANT, age 19 or older, must fill out a SEPARATE Application and background check authorization.)

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Employer Information

If at current employer less than one year, please supply information on previous employer:

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Applicant Background Information

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Pets or Service Animals Details

If Pet is Service animal or Companion Animal Third party documentation MUST provide to management

Property Information

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If you have any additional document such as Section 8 Voucher and Request of Tenancy Please attach here

Background Check Authorization

I hereby authorize Karma Management to perform a Credit / Criminal screening / Rental Inspection Report and access to any records pertaining to me which may be on file at any:

Credit Agency Local or State Agency Law Enforcement Agency State or Local Repository City, State, or Federal Court State or Local Sexual Offender Registry Information Service Bureau Huntsville Housing Authority

Penalties for Misuse of Information:

The following federal law prohibits the misuse of the information viewed or discussed pursuant to this consent and certification. Tenants authorized third parties, and HUD or authorized entities employees may be subject to these penalties.

Whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully - (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; (2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or (3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry; shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both. If the matter relates to an offense under chapter 109A, 109B, 110, or 117, or section 1591, then the term of imprisonment imposed under this section shall be not more than 8 years.” 18 U.S.C. 1001.

“Any officer or employee of an agency, who by virtue of his employment or official position, has possession of, or access to, agency records which contain individually identifiable information the disclosure of which is prohibited by this section or by rules or regulations established thereunder, and who knowing that disclosure of the specific material is so prohibited, willfully discloses the material in any manner to any person or agency not entitled to receive it, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more than $5,000. 5 U.S.C. 552a(i).

“The Secretary [of Health and Human Services] shall require the imposition of an administrative penalty (up to and including dismissal from employment), and a fine of $1,000, for each act of unauthorized access to, disclosure of, or use of, information in the National Directory of New Hires established under subsection (i) of this section by any officer or employee of the United States or any other person who knowingly and willfully violates this paragraph.” 42 U.S.C. 653(l).

Federal law also provides penalties for misusing Social Security numbers. 42 U.S.C. 408 (a) (6), (7) and (8).

Any applicant or participant affected by negligent disclosure of information may bring civil action for damages and seek other relief, as may be appropriate, against the officer or employee of HUD or the owner responsible for the unauthorized disclosure or improper use.

  • Karma Management does not discriminate based on disability status in the admission or access to, or the treatment or employment in its federally assisted programs and activities.
  • This process is a part of our Tenant Selection Process; we use this information to determine eligibility.
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Renter Insurance


Karma Management required that each tenant carry renter's insurance. 

Tenants should purchase renter's insurance to protect their possessions and to cover them if liability issues arise. It is important to note that every renter's insurance policy is different. The tenant must read their policy thoroughly to determine the amount of coverage and what acts and events are covered under their specific policy.

  • Affordable- Many tenants are wary of purchasing renter's insurance because of the cost. In actuality it can be very affordable. The cost will vary depending on factors such as amount of coverage and the location of the property.
  • Liability Coverage- Having the proper renter's insurance policy can help protect a tenant if an accident occurs in their unit. For example, if a guest comes over and slips and falls in the property, most renters' insurance policies offer liability protection that would cover the tenant for this incident. The amount of protection will depend on the terms of the individual policy.
  • Fire or Wind Coverage- A renter's insurance policy can offer a tenant protection if their possessions are lost or damaged by a fire or from wind damage, such as a tree falling on the property. Depending on the policy the tenant chooses, they can either receive an actual cash value for their possessions or the replacement cost. Replacement cost policies are usually slightly more expensive.
  • Theft Coverage- By choosing a renter's policy the tenant can also be covered if there is a theft or burglary at their property. Again, the amount and type of coverage will depend on their individual policy.
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If YES, please Provide Name Co applicant Name and have them complete the separate Co Applicant Rental Application:

Terms and conditions

It is the policy of Karma Management, to offer equal housing for all persons regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap or familial status. All residents MUST meet the following requirements:

Alabama State Law requires an applicant be at least 19 years of age or older, to be eligible to lease a property.
All applicants must have current and verifiable income/employment. A recent pay stub, as well as any other form of income, must be provided.
All persons, 19 years of age and older, must apply on the application and be listed on the lease. In the event there is an adult child 19 years of age or older (not responsible for paying rent), only a background check is required. Background checks have a fee and must be submitted along with the application fee. A background check authorization form must be requested via or call 256 – 859 - 3011. It is NOT attached to this rental application.
The number of persons living in a residential dwelling is strictly figured by Alabama fire codes. According to current fire code, maximum occupancy is one person per 200 square feet.
Any resident that is arrested and charged with a felony or misdemeanor, drugs or violent crime, while residing in a property managed or leased by Karma Management, shall be subject to immediate eviction.

Utilities must be transferred into your name prior to occupancy. A copy of the utility deposit receipt must be provided at the time of lease appointment, if application is accepted.

Military Clause: If applicant(s) is a member of the Armed Forces of the United Sates (stationed in the Madison/Limestone county area), and receives a permanent change of station orders out of the Madison/Limestone area, applicant may, upon presentation of their said orders to transfer, be refunded the full security deposit (provided home is left in condition in which it was first rented to you).  

Normal enlistment termination or other type of discharge from Armed Forces, unless due to condition beyond the service member's control or acceptance of government quarters, is not a permanent change of station, and therefore is not a justification for deposit refund. Withholding knowledge of pending transfer or discharge at time of this application, voids any consideration or protection offered by this section.

I/We hereby remit Application Fee as a holding or binder fee in connection with this rental application. If this application is approved, and I/we fail or refuse, for any reason, to occupy the premises specified below, the Owner shall retain the said fee for exclusively reserving the premises for me/us.

I/we understand that I/we may withdraw this application within twenty-four (24) hours after tender of the holding fee and receive a full refund of the fee. After this twenty-four (24) hour period, however, my/our failure to execute a lease agreement, pay the security deposit and initial rent by the “expected move-in” date shown below will be deemed a refusal of occupancy and the holding fee will be retained.

I/we affirm that the above information is complete and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge. I/we hereby give the Landlord and its authorized agents permission to use all of the above information to approve or disapprove this application, including the right to make independent investigations of past employment history, credit references, and public records. I/ we understand that giving false information is a serious criminal offense and that a misrepresentation on the rental application can result in an “eviction”.

I hereby certify that the information provided in the application above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Alabama Uniform Residential Landlord/Tenant Act allows for the filing of an unlawful detainer for material misrepresentation of fact on a rental application.

The undersigned authorizes landlord, leasing agent, and/or representatives of owner/landlord to contact the undersigned's current or previous landlord(s) and further, authorizes any said landlord(s) to release pertinent residential history information to be used in evaluating my/our lease application.  In addition, the undersigned authorizes landlord, leasing agent, and/or representatives of owner/landlord to do an employment verification, background records, social security trace, credit bureau reports, criminal background searches, department of motor vehicle records, sex offender registries and other governmental public record sources.   I/WE release all persons, agencies, or firms from any liabilities resulting from providing such information.  A photo or faxed copy of this release will act as the original and shall be valid for this and any future reports or updates that may be requested by the Landlord in connection with my application.

By signing below, I/WE understand the condition of acceptance of my/our application. I/WE also understand that falsifying any information on this application, will result in denial or eviction. I/WE understand if my application is accepted and I/WE secure the lease of the property with a deposit, the deposit is non-refundable until the end of MY/OUR lease term obligations with Karma Management.

I understand that this is a routine application to establish credit, character, employment, and rental history. I also understand that this is NOT an agreement to rent and that all applications must be approved. I authorize verification of references given. I declare that the statements above are true and correct, and I agree that the landlord may terminate my agreement entered into in reliance on any misstatement made above.

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Application fee
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